Edible Corn Starch
Texture of many foods, which is vital to both the consumer and the food manufacturer, as a major factor that governs the acceptability of most food products. Corn Starch, because of its abundance and low cost, is used wherever its properties are applicable.
Corn Starch takes a relatively short time to form a viscous and opaque paste, which has a typical cereal flavor and is widely used for thickening sauces, gravies, puddings and pie fillings.
Also it finds numerous uses in the baking industry. Addition of starch makes hard wheat flour preferred for cakes.
Corn starch is used to give proper strength to ice cream cones and sugar water shells. In addition to the above mentioned uses, it finds numerous uses in “dusting” to facilitate certain baking operations. Starch is also used as an inert ingredient in baking powder and also in salad dressing.